
Which also includes Italy

paul smith Which also includes Italy's IMPREGILO, the Belgian company Jan de NUL, Panama's Cusa - - Spanish construction company Sacyr Vallehermoso-led consortium said they will complete the excavation work, they have signed a contract in early 2012, a year ahead of schedule. Although the excavation phase of the project to speed up the entire project will be completed only a few weeks before the date, the provisions of the contract, October 21, 2014 inauguration, the commission coincides with the 100th anniversary of the original Panama Canal, 2014 August 15, 2009. A good working pace, to keep part of the project to build the third set of locks is a major difficulty in this project is not bad weather, as one might expect in a country's rainy season, from eight nine months. In fact, the calculations predict Leading Sacyr contractors will slow down about 50%, but only in the days of most intense rainfall. "The instrument, which the main problems we have encountered so far," said UNIDO Director POR El Niño GRUPO Canal (GUPC), Antonio Zaffaroni, refers to the consortium faced with a huge bureaucracy every day. OfPanama City, February 10, 2009 - In a move to expand the Panama Canal awarded the largest contract under a fair, open and transparent process, in the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) today selected the ACP the country's new third set of locks contracting auditor Deloitte & Touche. In Deloitte's ability to be responsible for technical aspects of the new third set of locks contract. Specifically, Deloitte will work closely with the ACP audit, verification and certification, the Airport Core Programme Review Committee, to follow a strict process of analysis, evaluation of qualified technical proposals submitted by the consortium. Panama Canal Authority (ACP) Administrator / CEO Alberto Tuoa Lehman Zubieta said: "All ACP contracts through a very rigorous process to ensure fair (IANS / EFE) on the lock ness and transparency." "As the ACP under the Panama Canal expansion plan of the most important contracts, additional measures have been taken to ensure that contracting process is airtight, in line with Panamanian law, management experts and by a third party to prove that a thorough and transparent review." (More ) on March 3, qualified consortia - including more than 30 companies - will submit their proposals to design and build a new set of locks, the canal will form flow. ACP's new line of core, has implemented a complex process, choose what will be the next winner of the largest contractGaier Da Dayton as the "World Trade" magazine - the Panama Canal Authority is experiencing the dream of every company with the influx of business than it can handle the wings. The rapid growth of exports to Asia, driven by the canal has been extended to remain viable. And when it will ensure the team's post-Panamax (PPX) ships, since 2002, an increase of 143%, finally crossing the canal increased an order of magnitude of the trans-Pacific trade barriers. Today, over 4,000 TEUs carrying ships are generally available over the Grand Canal locks. Panama Canal Authority (ACP) in the planning of a new driveway, with longer and wider locks and deeper channels, doubling the capacity is expected to transit of goods. With this capability, industry observers say, after the new line will be in 2014, the canal of centuries, to reduce overall transportation costs and expanded shipping options. (More) Rudolf Sabonge, Panama Canal Authority, vice president of research and market analysis, suggests that this route can also reduce water pollution, to help find a distributor close to the population distribution center, in these new countries, to promote economic facilities may be located.US carriers and enterprises, although less ebullient, optimistic.A spokesman for the Procter & Gamble Company While veterinarians work

