
Panama Canal in Panama Ci

paul smith Panama Canal in Panama City, Panama, August 14, 2007, Japan - a huge engineering achievement, has been connected for nearly a century, Sea World, the growth of not only improving with age. 92 Three years later, in 1914 the grand opening of the Panama Canal will celebrate its anniversary tomorrow to celebrate the expansion of its historic success of the project started. After nearly a year, Panamanians overwhelmingly approved a national referendum to expand the waterway, the Panama Canal Authority (ACP), set in the sport. It is the first extension issued by the relevant construction contract, the five dry excavation project will create a new Pacific locks channel. The new channel will work with existing Gaiya Er river (the narrowest stretch in the Panama Canal) Canal connecting the Pacific side of a new, third set of locks. Recently, the ACP form a team of experienced in-house management of this historic mission, to hire legal and financial advisors, and issued a preliminary bid. It also raised the canal expansion project, the international financial institutions, as it began to measure the project's financing package. (More) "In our anniversary, we celebrate a 93-year-old canal, has passed the test of time, have seen through the history of a miracle, but it's good working condition, even today we continue to adapt to the world trade growing dema How many ships, every day d, our customers efficient, reliable and secure service, which remains our top priority. Over the years, the Panama Canal to increase their efficiency, we will continue to strengthen the water, making it more than ever good from the original construction, the current expansion plans, the canal is a landmark achievement for the country of Panama and the world a tremendous benefit, said: "The Administrator / CEO Alberto Tuoe Lehman Zubieta.Expansion will establish new traffic lane along the Panama Canal through a new set of locks, doubling capacity and allow more traffic and longer, wider ships, construction. This project has just won the 2008 Samoter Award for "Best World of Construction Project", will be the biggest commitment in the canal, because it's opening.There 14194 in fiscal year 2006, the total transit. Since August 15, 1914, more than 922,000 vessels transport waterway.About AuthorityThe Panama Canal Panama Canal Authority is the autonomous government agency responsible for the management, operation and maintenance of the Panama Canal. The operation of the Panama Canal Authority is based on its organic law, and by its board of directors' approval requirements. For more information, please refer to the Panama Canal Authority's Web site: www.pancanal.com. Panama Canal video, please visit www.thenewsmarket.com / panamacanal. Julian Richardson Jamaica

